Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day, September 5, Day +12

Ron continues to progress in his recovery since his stem cell transplant on August 24. His donor cells are engrafting in his big bones and beginning to produce white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets; this is the work of the bone marrow. He now has a new immune system taking over. He may acquire any allergies the donor had, and he will need all immunizations again. If his donor had had a different blood type, his blood would be in the process of changing over to the blood donor's type. At the +30 day bone marrow biopsy, they will be able to tell what percent of his blood is the donor's DNA.
Because the big bones continue to work hard, Ron has bone pain especially in his lower back and sternum. Another effect has been hiccups. Because his bloodcounts are recovering quickly, he may be able to go home to our Ann Arbor apartment in 3-4 days. The apartment's mailing address is:

Ron & Jan Hover
1455 Oak Valley Drive
Apt. 103 Bldg. 26
Ann Arbor, MI. 48108

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear things are progressing well! It will be a relief to get into your apt. and out of the hospital.....HUGS! Ned & Terry
