Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21: Day 28: First ECP

Today Ron is having his first extracorporeal photospheres ECP treatment. He will have a weekly treatment for 6 weeks, then bi-weekly while we live in Ann Arbor, and then monthly for a total of one year. Thie goal is to treat his GVHD with less steroids and to treat the symptoms of rejection. He has responded to the steroids well, but the ECP corrects the immune system which is out of balance and attacking his skin and gut. High level steroids have side effects, so less is better.
The ECP process is nothing short of amazing. Through his port he is connected to a machine which takes blood into a centrifuge, separating the red blood cells, plasma, and white blood cells. 5% of his white blood cells are collected, treated with a medication, and subjected to UV light. The cells are transfused back into his bloodstream and signal the immune system to "back off" from the attack on his good cells. This process takes 3-4 hours. Right now Ron is sleeping as the treatment is progressing. When not an in-patient, he will go to a clinic for the treatment. It is in the Med Inn building where I stayed before we rented the apartment.


  1. No cards since we are at Yellowstone for a couple of days, but I wanted to just send word that keeping his mind set positive is so important as you well know. There are so many little things that can get you down but you just have to take it all in stride and look to the future where he will be once again well and you can go home. Remember that the little moments are so precious. We continue to pray for you both. Love, Ann & Bob

  2. Amazing. We had planned a trip to Yellowstone at this same time. Ron had made the itinerary and all reservations; my sister, brother, and their spouses were going, too. It would have been crazy if we had randomly run in to you. Now we will just have to go at a later date. Jan
