Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011: Day 36

It is great being back in the apartment! We are settling in, and I am using my nursing skills again. Ron feels quite weak. The last two weeks have been hard on him. He will need to walk to start to regain strength and muscle tone. The high dose steroids are very hard on the muscles. The GVHD of the gut also diminishes appetite and tolerance for many foods. He is on a restricted diet, but it does have a variety of food choices; hopefully, he will be able to eat more. The various creams, ointments, and lotion for his skin help control the GVHD of the skin. The doctors continue to reassure us that he is doing well. We return to the clinic tomorrow morning for blood tests and an appointment with his primary physician, Dr. Magenau.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back in the apartment since I know both of you can relax more there. The study sounds interesting and I am always in favor of whatever they think will work. Sounds like he is doing well with just a few upsets.
    We will be home late tomorrow and able to keep up with you better. Love and prayers to you both. Ann & Bob
