Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011: Day 37

Things did not get easier today. Appointments at the Cancer Center in the University Hospital complex took up our morning, and Ron is weak, so the walking was a real effort for him. His bloodwork revealed that he is slightly dehydrated, and he had an elevated white blood cell count. This count could be a result of the steroid treatment, or he could have an infection. He was sent back to the lab to have blood cultures drawn from all 3 lumens of his port and from his arm. They will be able to decrease the steroids again next week, but it is a balancing act with their positive effect on the GVHD symptoms and their negative effects on the muscles.
Ron is eating and sleeping more here at the apartment, so I am hoping that we will soon see some improvement in his strength. We should hear back from the lab tomorrow if there is any concern that needs to be treated more aggressively. He is already on antiviral and antibiotic pills.
Continued thanks for your prayers, supportive thoughts, and good wishes for Ron's full recovery,
Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. Jan & Ron
    It's been a couple of weeks since I have read your blog. I've been busy re-painting the inside of my hosue!! It sounds like even though there are some bumps that you are responding well and that's always good news. I'm just real happy that you are in a case study and the things they are doing are helping. A very belated happy anniversary to you! Jodi
