Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday, September 24: Day 31

It feels like things are more on track and moving ahead today. The new meds to settle Ron's stomach are helping, and he is eating a little more. So, the plan is to walk more, spend more time up in the chair, eat more, and gain back some strength. The steroids knock down the graft versus host disease but are very hard on your muscles. They have already started to taper off his rejection meds and steroids. By Monday night we will know more about his discharge. The bone marrow biopsy results should be back, and he will have a blood test to see if the virus is gone.
This was a Michigan at home football day, so I came to the hospital earlier than usual. We are enjoying watching the games, and it is just quieter here on the weekend. We both hope that this will have been the biggest bump in the road. It beats you down when something new has to be addressed. Scary stuff. We are doing okay and hope to be in the apartment together in a few days.
Love, Ron & Jan

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