Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14. Day +21

Still grinding, as Ron puts it. Things have stayed about the same for 2 days, and we go to scheduled blood tests and the same doc (as Monday) tomorrow morning. The days pass more quickly than you might imagine. The family visits are special days for us, and it is nice to have family come to the apartment rather than the hospital setting. The 2nd cooler of IVs and other medical supplies were delivered today, and it felt good knowing that I now have the skills to administer them myself. It is amazing what you can adjust to and learn and feel like it is your "new normal."
Ron's IVs are given through his port; I do not have to put in an IV. At this time he has two infusions, and they will continue for at least two weeks. It is hard to believe that 3 weeks have passed since the transplant. Ron feels discouraged at times because of the lack of energy, and the itchy rash is relentless. Hopefully, we will find out something more tomorrow. As we have passed various milestones, there is a brief time of celebration before the new challenge/goal is confronted, and you are reminded that this will be a long haul. Ron has been told that it usually takes a year to attain the new normal, but just look at how much is already behind us.

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