Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011: Day +24

Ron's itchy rash is definitely subsiding, so there is more concern about his GI tract at this point. We will not know more until Monday when his biopsy results are known.
So what do we do? We watch football! I have been reading light fiction on the IPad. I am also halfway through the third book in The Hunger Games trilogy but had to take a break; it felt too intense, too dark, and too much energy required to imagine the setting. It is an effort to concentrate at times.
I hope that Army friends, Bob and Ann, who we first met at Ft. Sill in the early 70s, will not mind me sharing special words that someone had expressed to their daughter Laurie a few years ago. I have read them over and over because they have touched me, too. I understand why Ann will never forget them.
"Allow this enemy no room in your thoughts. Do not be discouraged but rather courageous. Face this with a firm resolve and a cheerful heart. We are with you for the long haul."
Thanks to everyone for prayers, kind and positive thoughts, and special words that cause us to pause and reflect.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. We will be on the road for the next 2 weeks but will certainly be checking your blog along the way. We hope and pray that things go well and you at least get to return to the apartment.
    I know what you mean about not being able to read certain things or concentrate on something that takes a lot. Unfortunately that lasted for me for awhile and I still sometimes have trouble with reading or watching things with certain subject lines. Love to you both. Ann & Bob

  2. Ann & Bob,
    Ron wants to know if you're driving the truck to Wolf Creek Pass. :)
