Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, Sept. 6, Day +13 (after transplant)

This has been a busy day! Plans are in motion for Ron to be discharged tomorrow! His medications are ready in the hospital pharmacy, the home med and home nurse services are scheduled, and his first return clinic appointments are scheduled. I will be reviewing my nursing skills to care for Ron's neostar port and to administer IV meds. He will also have injections and several meds in pill form. I can do it! After 22 days in the hospital for the transplant, he is ready for a good night's sleep. The doc had told us that the earliest possible date he would be able to go to the apartment was day 14 after the transplant...tomorrow is day 14. Wow!
Ron has received an amazing number of birthday greetings. Thanks to all of you for making this birthday special in spite of it being spent in the hospital. Thanks, too, for the many other expressions of support. We have felt surrounded by positive thoughts and prayers by so many.
Sincerely, Ron & Jan

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