Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 33 After Transplant. 9-26-11

The nurses brought us a small cake to celebrate our 41st anniversary. We rounded out our anniversary dinner with beef broth, rice, and Popsicle for Ron, and I packed my dinner: peanut butter sandwich, rice cakes, and banana. The gift of the day was finding out that Ron's bone marrow biopsy brought good news. It was leukemia free. The new word of the day is cellularity. That is the percent of cells in the biopsy sample, and his was 60% which is excellent. The results of the cell genetics will take about another week. That test will determine the percentage of cells that are products of the transplant. For Ron and me this falls into the category of "star wars". Or as Niccole has explained a few technology innovations to us: it's magic. We did not find out any blood test results for the virus that is in his blood. (CMV). A good day.


  1. Awesome news Jan and Ron! Thanks for sharing your wedding photos - what a beautiful couple you are.
    Go Lions! - everyone was rooting for them at Frickers on Sunday.
    Happy for you - best wishes on your anniversary.
    Bob and Joan

  2. Happy belated anniversary!! Enjoyed the pics.......fantastic news! Take care and catch you later. Ned & Terry
