Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19: Day 26

Although there wasn't much doubt with the symptoms Ron has, the biopsy from the scope was positive for graft versus host disease. He does not have a severe case, but it will be necessary to keep his diet very simple for 1-2 months. He is on a clears diet, adding 1 or 2 bland foods tonight. (noodles and applesauce). Because they are adding foods from a short list, it is called a GVHD level 1 diet. If he tolerates those foods well, he will move to the GVHD level 2 diet. He will be able to go home from the hospital when symptoms subside, and he is able to eat more. It could be yet this week. His dietitian spent time with us today, and I have some work to do before Ron comes back to the apartment. I will box up his Oreo double stuffs, red licorice, potato chips, and other foods in the pantry that he can't have. No junk or fatty food for awhile!! So today wasn't a surprise, but it was still disappointing for us. I remind both of us that they successfully treated him for the severe sore throat, then the rash and itching resolved, so this is the next bump in the road.
The head of the department is the doc on rounds for two weeks. He came to U of M from M.D. Anderson in Texas. He has a lot of expertise in bone marrow transplant. When we return to clinic appointments, Ron's primary BMT physician will see him.

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