Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011 Day +9

Engraftment Syndrome: the diagnosis of Ron's rash from the biopsy taken yesterday: basically what that says is that it is not a result of a medication or early graft versus host disease. It's his body's reaction to the transplant process in general and is being treated with steroids. The lotions and meds should clear it up in a few days. He is still rashy but not so itchy tonight. That is the story for today. Things will be a little quieter here over the holiday weekend. It is hard to believe that it is Labor Day weekend! Enjoy whatever plans you have made...or just relax with an extra day at home.


  1. Ron and Jan - thanks for the updates you do daily. I make sure I take the time to read about Ron and what he is going through. Sounds like your team is fantastic. Keep up the great work Ron....I believe in you. Just wanted to let you know that we are going to be grandparents again...Melissa is expecting #2 in March...we're pumped! The best to you both. Lots of Love, Jodi and Terry

  2. Grandchildren are amazing! They remind us how much we laughed when our own kids were growing up. (You forget a lot of the other stuff. Ha!) Congrats and thanks for keeping in touch. Jan
