Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3, Day 10

The med (steroid) that they gave Ron for 3 days to control his nausea during chemotherapy is the same that he is taking now for 2 days to control his rash. It has worked well, and along with hydrocortisone cream has alleviated most of the itching. He has had some low BP numbers for two days, so they increased his IV fluids. (bolus--if you have a medical background). Because they determined by the rash biopsy that the rash was not a direct meds reaction, all meds have stayed the same. It does seem to help if meds are pushed into the IV or dripped more slowly than what is the usual.
Ron is now getting neupogen which will help boost his white blood cell count, and his new stem cells will begin to produce new blood cells in the next few days. There is a slight chance that we could be going to the apartment by the end of the upcoming week. Ron has been enjoying his mail but has not read his email for several days. Some of the meds and fatigue have interfered with using the computer (IPad). Things should improve in several ways over the next days. We are about to begin the upswing!!
Thanks for your messages of support and your caring.
Sincerely, Ron & Jan

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